surfboards for expert-level carving in steep waves-G&S - 10'2" Classic Noserider

Size 10'2"


Length: 10'2"

Nose: 17 5/8"

Width: 23 1/4"

Tail: 16 1/8"

Thickness: 3 1/4"

Finish: Gloss / Polish


A timeless favorite and proven design that is one of our most popular long board models. The Classic Noserider allows smooth, free-flowing maneuvers and endless nose rides. Great for the stylist who wants old school roots enhanced by over 50 years of refinements in rocker flow, bottom contour, and rail design. This is a great model for the first time surfer to the seasoned surf veteran. Features user friendly, soft 50/50 rails to a slight edge in the tail, concave in nose to a flat bottom to mellow "Vee" of the tail. Rocker is suited for all-around surfing with a slight lift in tail for easy nose rides and turning off the tail. Offered with many custom stringer options.


Small / medium waves.


Single Fin (9.5)